
подорож на озеро синевирМаршрут екскурсії: виїзд зі Львова о 7:00 – с. Пилипець (піший перехід до водоспаду Шипіт, фотографування на фоні каскадів) – г. Гемба (підняття на відріг гори на канатно-крісельному підйомнику) - с. Синевирська Поляна (прогулянка довкола озера Синевир, катання на плоті, обід, фото- та відеозйомка) – с. Сойми і Келечин (дегустації мінеральних вод) – повернення у Львів о 23:00. Періодичність: 3-4 рази в тиждень з 1 квітня по 15 листопада. Тривалість:

отдых в Крыму

Fir-trees in Feodosia are already prepared

The town authorities permitted the opening of fir-tree markets in Feodosia from December, 8. But businessmen don't hurry to open sale points, although Starokrymskiy timber enterprise sells trees.

However, pPersons interested to adorn their houses with a traditional fir-tree can purchase a plant in a pot or artificial fir-tree. This purchase will cost from 40 to 1 thousand Uah.

The engineer of labour of Starokrymskiy forest and hunt economy protection Tat'yana Sankina told to «Kafa» that unlike the last year vacation prices had changed little.

- The minimum price will make 30 hryvnyas – so much a fir-tree will cost to one meter, to two meters – 40 hryvnyas, and higher than four meters - 220 hryvnyas, - reported T. Sankina. – Also there are fir-tree complete sets for eight hryvnyas.

Tatyana Feodorovna added that businessmen had already begun to buy fir-trees wholesale:

- We have sold more than thousand fir-trees, and it is provided about four thousands in the whole.

Fir-tree markets in Feodosia aren't opened yet, however it is possible to find an alternative to cut trees. In the center of the town it is possible to buy a tree in a pot while only in the shop «Oasis», where the two living fir-trees stay near entrance. The workers of shop wait the receipt of new trees this week, fir-trees from one to one and a half meters will cost from 120 to 500 hryvnyas. In the shop «Tulip» living fir-trees will appear in a week or two.

Artificial fir-trees on market trays and in the shops of souvenirs appeared in the end of November. For example, in the shop «Klondike» fir-trees from 1,2 to 1,5 m cost 170-260 Uah, and pine-trees - from 488 to 888 Uah. Soon the receipt of new commodity is expexted, then small fir-trees will appear from 40 Uah on sale.