
Обществознание 10-11 класс решебник по обществознанию боголюбов 10 класс.

отдых в Крыму

Gugo Shaufler's exhibition

Last week in the House of artist Gugo Shaufler's exhibition «Along Evrope and along the Crimea», devoted to 80th author's anniversary opened.

Before the opening of exhibition the band of the German cultural center sang few songs. Then the representative of Union of architects of the Crimea Tatyana Mamedova told that Gugo Shaufler was the member of Union of architects of Ukraine, Russia and the Crimea. — He was born in the intellectual family, where they played music, drew and read a lot. When war began, Gugo was 13 years old. At that time his family was sent in reference to Siberia, where they lived for a long time, — Tatyana Mamedova tells. — I should mention that Gugo Shaufler as an architect has more than 40 realized projects on Ural, in Siberia and the Crimea. To 1976 he worked as managing the department of the Ural polytechnic institute. He developed more than 100 advanced studies in area of town-planning. As an artist he participated more than in 30 artistic exhibitions of the USA, Germany, Russia and the Crimea. In the Crimea he worked in KrymNIIproekt.

The chairman of Union of architects of the Crimea Alexander Gutsalenko noticed that the artist had brought surprisings pictures, having their own face, author's vision of the world. And the deserved worker of culture of Ukraine Vyacheslav Peresunko added that he had been acquainted with an artist more than 30 years. — On the border of 1978 on projects and suggestions of Gugo Shaufler it was succeeded to save the historical center of Kerch, — Alexander Gucalenko talks. — He is a wonderful artist, architect.